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NSC ProBiotic
nsc ProBiotic
Price: $38.00
Sale Price: $33.00
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Size: 60 caps

Stock Status:In Stock

Product Code: NSCPRO

Description Technical specs


Nutritionally Promotes Repopulating Healthy Bacteria

NSC-PRO Pro-Biotic introduces good bacteria that cover the intestinal walls, slowing or stopping growth of harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses. NSC-PRO aids in repopulating good bacteria killed by antibiotics and other factors to maintain the 6 to 1 ratio of friendly/unfriendly bacteria required for balance and good gastrointestinal health.

NSC-PRO contains beneficial bacteria that fortify the body with increased energy and enhanced allergy control by creating better absorption of nutrients, provision of complex B vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids, plus reducing the toxic load on the kidneys and liver.  That bloated feeling often accompanying constipation is also addressed by probiotics.

NSC-PRO live bacteria convert carbohydrates into lactic acid (a digestive antibiotic) while normalizing micro flora, restoring peristalsis (waste movement) and promoting regular waste disposal.  NSC-PRO further aids the colon in attaining a proper pH level (acidity), which enhances the immune response and helps eliminate a gut environment that promotes fungus growth.

Antibiotics, steroids, hormones and other drugs, stress, mycotoxins from food and environmental toxins can lead to a depletion of beneficial bacteria in the body.  Fungus, (candida) with mycotoxins, diarrhea (from rotavirus), constipation, gas, indigestion, heartburn (GERD), lactose intolerance and leaky gut syndrome are often immediate consequences.  Allergies, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, Crohns, E.coli O-157, H.pylori, IBS and chronic inflammation are potential health issues influenced by loss of good bacteria.  Nutrient delivery and vitamin production are also disrupted.

The IMMUNITION NSC-PRO Pro-Biotic contains 15 Billion CFU of live bacterium per serving (450 Billion CFU in 60 capsules per bottle) from a series of potent bacterium strains which require no refrigeration.  The potent live bacterium strains in NSC-PRO were carefully selected for optimum performance.  Probiotics, meaning "for life", are safe based on clinical trials.

Note:  As we age, our good bacteria levels dramatically decline from up to 3 trillion in early age to only about 3 billion by age 60.  During this same period, most need to improve blood sugar control, liver function and reduction of harmful bacteria, including Clostridium perfringens, often associated with what we commonly refer to as  food poisoning.  Calcium and magnesium absorption are also improved, a positive factor in blood pressure issues. 

Also feed the probiotics with prebiotics, such as inulin, utilized as the filler in most IMMUNITION products, including NSC-24 Original MG Beta Glucan and NSC-100 Extra Strength MG Beta Glucan.  When a probiotic is combined with a prebiotic, a "synbiotic" results, with recent published research indicating a nutritional benefit of synbiotics in managing blood sugar and memory enhancement for Type II diabetics. A synbiotic relationship proves 1+1 can equal 8 when it comes to power!

IMMUNITION NSC-PRO Probiotic - Nutritional Benefits

*       Nutritionally and safely promotes a healthy intestinal function with proper acidity.

*       Nutritionally contributes to repopulating beneficial bacteria (often killed by antibiotics).

*       Acts as a natural urinary tract antiseptic inhibiting undesirable organisms including fungi.

*       Effective in normalizing peristalsis (digested food movement) and waste disposal.

*       Provides gentle colon cleansing and detox without disrupting beneficial flora.

*       Facilitates nutrient conversion and vitamin B production for energy and immune response enhancement through increasing allergy antibodies (IgG).

*       Helps normalize excess cholesterol and triglycerides.

*       Produces byproduct of hydrogen peroxide necessary to inhibit vaginal yeast growth.

*       Increases bioavailability of dietary calcium (important for the lactose intolerant).

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If pregnant or lactating, consult a physician before using.

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